Monday, January 17, 2011

Cold winter days

I just this minute finished night check, blankets , hay, hugs kisses and prayers. It is 6 degrees outside. I was going to write that it does not feel like 6, but what does 6 feel like? If it feels like a razor knife on exposed skin and frozen nostrils when you inhale, then it feels like six.
I do not believe Lager has any issue with the temperature . I have made a promise to Lager that he can run free and play each and every day he lives on this farm, so he plays and I chill . The video was taken at sun set (16) that should explain the quality.
Now I am going to shower , take the chill off  and read seed catalogs.
Allot of my mail these days are seed catalogues, they are a pleasure to look at on cold days, and I have begun some planning.
Planning for summer and dreaming of spring is helping make the temperatures tolerable. Today's high was 18 , tomorrow we are looking at another storm.
As far as garden plans, this year we will have 8 raised beds , one will be dedicated 100% to kitchen herbs.
I believe seven of the beds will be located along the fence line of the front paddock, in the sun next to the hydrant. The herb bed I am thinking of placing by the back deck closer to the kitchen ( I will have to confirm with "The Lawn Boy").
I plan to have loads and loads of sunflowers, we had lots last year and they were beautiful.
I have must do repairers planned  for the chicken coop , and I have asked for a portable coop. Last year I allowed the chickens to free range and they played havoc in the garden, tasting every cucumber and red tomato. Check out this coop at Life At Cobble Hill Farm,
Is it wrong to covet thy neighbors coop?
It would be wonderful to just add the out door portion pictured here to our current coop perhaps off a back chicken door. (I will have to confirm with "The Maintenance Boy". I am suffering from fresh egg withdrawals, fresh eggs another reason to long for spring.
Books, magazines and cooking is a lot of what gets me through the winter.
I did not get to the store today to purchase additional binders so the recipe organizing is on hold.
I did make and print some labels for the binders, so all is not a loss.

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