Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Muddy Feathers and Green Pastures

Aside from the muddy feathers I am pleased to report "My Team" is  looking good.
I don't say this to brag, it is more of a statement of relief. (Hopeful I did not just jinx myself)
Nick is really growing, and changing ,( he turned six in April) he is developing loads of muscle and is capable of making him self look very tall and proud.
Bob has been working with Nickel and the exercise sled as the weather permits.Both Bob and Nick are willing to work in the rain, but it has been unseasonable cold as well as wet.
Nickels winter coat shed quite a bit earlier then Jake's, but Jake's is finally shedding through.
It is my opinion both of the Belgians look nicer in their summer coats , heck everything looks nicer in the summer.
Over the winter Jake shed a few pounds but we are working to put them back on , with the help of green pasture. We are almost out of hay, but with all the rain the hay pastures are looking lush. Hopefuly our hay man will have a nice early first cut.
None of the horses have yet been bathed, Joey is a muddy mess he loves to roll.
I have my fingers crossed for bathing weather Sunday.
Jake has become much more secure and not only comes to the gate but is happy to be groomed .All day I was craving BBQ Hamburger with Fried Egg so that was dinner tonight served with spicey home fries.

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