Monday, August 29, 2011

Storm Gone

Some of the strongest winds from the storm arrived overnight, between the hours of Midnight and 3am.
 I am quite sleep deprived on this Monday.
The Big boys were very anxious to get out this morning, they were inside for  a 28 hour stretch, this was a record.
Bob and I visited them and took them into the isle way for grooming and loving a number of times, but they love to be outside. Today it is all blue skies and sunshine.
With the storm Irene, officially past us it is time to think clean up and fall.
September 23rd is the First Day of Autumn, and it is a Friday.
 I think a Fall get together is in order, an excuse to entertain. I am thinking Fish chowder or Chili by the fire and apple crisp.
 Time to to turn to the Garnish web sight
and King Arthur Catalogue

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