This morning when I started chores it was 19, Nickel and Charm boy are loving the cold air Jake not so much. Jake will be getting more stall time and blanket time.
The oldest of the remaining Bloodhounds Beau is really showing his age I suspect this will be his last winter, I cook him hot meals every day but people food does not give him what he needs,(he is getting supplements) and he flips his bowl over if I suggest dog food.
Bob is in the process of making a new seat for our fore cart, so I am looking for fabric to make a seat cushion. The holidays are quickly approaching , there is much baking to do.The economy is such there will be little shopping and none in malls. Every week we see an increase in the cost of feed especially corn, I feel so bad for full time farmers struggling to keep their live stock fed. I was clearing out the fridge of Thanks given left overs and thinking I will get another piglet come spring.
I have given away three of the hens and the last hen and rooster will go as soon as they are captured.
The hen's aged and stopped laying and I decided I can not continue feeding hens who will not produce.
The farmer I gave them to has 30 hens, he's going to give them a chance with the addition of supplement light and if that fails they will be soup for his family. Hennie will remain because Jake seems to enjoy her and she lays a nice little egg every day.
Last night it was dark at 4:45 I am once again looking at crock pot ideas and quick dinners for week nights.This Weeks Menu
Friday: Clam Strip Rolls
Saturday: Pork Chops and Baked Beans
Sunday Meat Loaf and Mashed
Monday Whole Chicken in the Crock Pot
Tuesday: Easy Pepper Steak in Crock pot
Wednesday: Pizza and Salad
Thursday: Chicken Fiesta / Crock Pot