This week ends Maple Sunday event had a great turn out, but we froze.
Giving wagon rides the passangers snuggled under quilts.
I will try to get ahold of Bob's computer to post photo's tonight (mine still wont down load pictures).
Tomorrow is the first day of spring, and we are 8hours into a snow storm.
Makes me wonder how the Farmers Almanac is sooooo much better at predictions than the local weather man.
This is the predictions posted by The Farmers Almanac (in February)
March 2013
16th-19th. Unsettled, gusty winds, with mixed rain and wet snow.
20th-23rd. A major coastal storm with strong winds and heavy precipitation.
24th-27th. Showers from Virginia and Maryland to New England, then fair.
28th-31st. Another coastal storm! More wind, rain and snow, just in time for Easter.
In protest I am going forward with thoughts of spring
Gardening by the Moon Calendar from the Farmers' Almanac
The Farmers Almanac Gardening by the Moon Calendar is determined by our age-old formula and applies generally to regions where the climate is favorable.
March 2013
18th-19th Seeds Planted Now Tend To Rot In The Ground.
20th-22nd Best Planting Days For Above ground Crops, Especially Peas, Beans, Cucumbers And Squash Where Climate Is Suitable. Plant Seedbeds And Flower Gardens.
23rd-26th A Most Barren Period, Best For Killing Plant Pests Or Doing Chores Around The Farm.
27th-28th Favorable Days For Planting Root Crops, Fine For Sowing Hay, Fodder Crops, And Grains. Plant Flowers.
29th-30th Excellent Time For Planting Root Crops That Can Be Planted Now And For Starting Seedbeds. Good Days For Transplanting.
31st Poor Planting Day.