Thursday, January 29, 2009

Good Night John Boy

One Pig and one Bunny
Two Cats
Three Horses
Four Bloodhounds
Every one who should be in the barn for the night is.

Mommy let the boys stay out and play late,till past dark.

The boys filed in ,in proper fashion first Nickel then Jake (with NO lead)

Sun shine yay

What a difference a day makes. Yesterday we had snow, rain, ice sleet. Today every one got out,(Lancer was not interested in staying out) it was clear and sunny 34.
Plus Daddy went to work and (so far) no one has gotten loose or hurt, and all the fences are still up.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

What a nice man

If you have followed our blog you know that our biggest challenge moving to a new state was finding the best professionals to help us care for the animals. We can check Dental Service off the list. Today we had a visit from Akeley's Equine Dental Service. Steve was such a awesome choice professional and patient. He explained every step of the proccess and was kind to Jake. Having a professional with a kind manor is so very important when you have an animal who was previously miss handled.

Say Cheese

Today the boys had a dentist appointment. Jake's teeth were the only ones that needed work. (not a real surprise)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Increase of 36 min. of daylight

When you use every minute of day light to get your chores done you are aware of how many there are. Today we are expecting a heat wave 34 .

I am still very focused on spring (49days). The blog and it's photo's will soon include allot more garden and yard info in addition to the pets. I am ordering seeds.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Cuddle Time

Nickel and Jake are cuddling and doing what horses do. They are getting close. Bob cought them peeping out the window...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Think Spring

We have ordered the New Seed catalogs , and decided where the new raised garden beds will go. On Friday I visited an Organic farm and joined their Garden Share program. The farm is based around their team of Belgian draft horses that are the source of power for food production. They sell vegetables, flowers, herbs, dry beans, and eggs through our Community Supported Agriculture program . They use the horses to do all of the plowing, harrowing, and mowing. Planting is done by hand and cultivation is shared between the horses and owners. It was fun to talk to other gardeners and Draft Owners .

When it snows like this you fantasise about spring and summer in Maine.

11:00am 14.2 outside

It is another snowy Sunday , Great if your a very fuzzy Mini or a Big Belgian. The Hound dogs are in the barn , at the moment. The 3 horses are outside.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Frozen Ham

No one here likes frozen ham, so pig had to come inside.

Today Bob split Mini's stall in 1/2 so pig could come in. We are expecting extreme cold temps. Pig did not come in on his own free will, we captured him in a bated dog crate. He is settling in.

Monday, January 12, 2009

More Week end Pix

Here are some more photo's from the week end. The boys in the snow,the fox and Mr. Nickel scratching his bumb. He does have a cute bumb;)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Playing In The Snow

The boys are becoming buddies , today they hung out in the snow together.

Pig on the other hand thought it was a good day to stay inside and cozzie in his blanket. Do they make snugly for pigs.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Check Out The Club Blog

Today we spent the day over the club getting the sleds ready. Check out the blog. Hope some or all of you can come for winterfest. Tonight I will look at seed selections on line. Time to think garden/spring.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Birthday Visit

I took a road trip to Plymouth Thursday to visit Mom, and brought Harry back with me.
This new little truck now in my kitchen came from Mom's for Bob and I with our Christmas gifts. It's perfect, a little farm truck with 5 dogs.
Harry came up for a couple days, today is his Birthday. We had a nice visit. The wind chill was harsh so we could not spend lots of time out side, but it was nice to hang out. The boys love the extra attention.