Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear or a fool from any direction. ~ Cowboy saying
Friday, February 26, 2010
We Survived
we survived. Last night we experienced what was the most wicked wind and rain storm of my life to date. The rain came down in buckets 6" set on the ground by morning the wind howled with force, up to 70 miles an hour.The barn/house is very tall and we felt the impact of the wind.We lost power, and I am thankful for the generator. The horses, large and small were in the barn and Bob and I did shifts. We were very lucky here at Hooves and Hounds Farm we did have some trees down, the hoop house relocated and one of the run ins had some roofing damage but over all we were lucky. The power of the run off from the hill drilled a path across the road making Duke Lane impassible. The Maine men got their tractors out and filled the hole.The process looked a bit like a town job complete with The local "Selectman" and all but it got done.My nieghbors 100lb rabbit house with rabbit in it, is in the woods.
1 comment:
glad everyone is safe. Sorry to hear the storm was so bad for you guys, we were fine here, just some rain, wind not too bad. Drive safe tomorrow
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