The Good:
The weather, 40 degrees again today. I used the dryer for ten minutes yesterday and 15 today. We hung a load of wash on the deck both Saturday and Sunday and not only did they dry but they smell wonderful.Bob scraped the paint of the window project (more on this later).I made dinner in 30 minutes and it was yummy.We had crab meet sandwiches grilled and home fried potatoes.The hydrants have thawed and no more buckets.The location I like best for Jesse and Joe's wedding , is still available for their date and they are reconsidering Maine for the Fall.I got two eggs from the hens. Emeril Green is on tonight (on Planet Green).Both Bob and Lager are snoring.
The Bad:
The paddocks and driveway are starting to thaw. The mud in the yard and surrounding area is a hassle.The mud room is messy.I have no clothes line only a rack. I dry the sox and undies inside.I had two towels blow into the snow and had to put them into the dryer.The Belgians feathers are full of mud.I had a hectic day at work on guy was off and one called out (but I handled it).I have 30 farm fresh eggs and no freezer space .We had preserved pickles with dinner and they were sealed so tight Bob was cursing.
The Ugly:
Mr.Mister (My rooster) has been mean! He attacks my legs breaking skin and causing blood.Tomorrow I am not going in the pen UN armed, he might need a session. It looks like snow Tuesday and Friday Saturday.
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