The daylight is returning here in Maine,we have gained an hour and twenty six minutes. Today the temperature outside reached 41 degrees,the lack of snow makes me dream of spring. When I packed my lunch, I packed the book Bobby and Keri bought me for Christmas. I am rereading the sections about seeds, gardens and raised beds. I will be starting kale,onions, radishes and Chinese cabbage first.Bob captured these photo's of the boys napping today side by side.When I returned home from work Bob had the team harnessed and we went for a short drive. The team of Belgians have been hibernating three months so they were full of energy.
With the ice it has not been safe to take them out but that changed today with the temps.When we returned home to the barn the boys had started to work up a sweat.I am sure we will see more of Mr. Winter but I am ready for spring(not mud) season.
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