It has been an active week end,I know most are around here. I am planning to have my PJ's on by 7pm. Last night our good friends D&C stopped by at 7:30 and we played cards till 11:30 ish. This morning we were up at 4:30 am , I had to go to The Big Box for a meeting. Once you awake the critters they all want to be fed and so the day was underway in a hurry.The pig and chickens seemed to have a good first night,back in the outside pens.We got two eggs today from the hens, not bad for day after the switch. Winter fest at the draft horse club was today. Bob and I did not commit to work the event this year, so we used the time to expose our team to the hustle and bustle. Some of the members had teams sledding, although the snow base was thin. We used our wagon and took our team out,around the club and down the lane. Bob was hesitant at first, new experiences are always a little unsettling. Bob and My Team did awesome, I was very proud. Nick did loose one set of beads,I guess I need practice attaching them,without interfering with tack.I plan to make him more. After our drive we replenished the hay pile, and did some chores before dinner. After dinner I did my first batch of canning with my new pressure cooker. In the past I used the old fashioned water bath method. You need to use pressure canning for meat. This is yet another attempt to save more money and waste less food. The Bloodhounds and Minni's are in the barn,Lager and Bob are sharing the sofa, the minute the Belgians get dinner and night hay it's PJ's for me.
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