I am taking part in Crunchy Chickens Food Waste Challenge. www.thecrunchychicken.com
Today this challenge became more well, challenging. I bought a 5lb pork roast, and still have most of this weeks garden share. The question, what to do next? Today I cut the pork roast in 1/2 , and got started. I stuck the first 50% in what was left of the OJ, to roast on Monday (Bob only drinks OJ the first day, it's open). The remaining 50% I put into the Kitchen Aid meat grinder. Once ground I made a spaghetti sauce,with 1lb beef 1lb. pork, carrots ,onion, pepper, and pork egg rolls with veggies . Together these dishes helped to use up the onions carrots, and cabbage in addition to the pork. We had the egg rolls for lunch. The scraps I had went to the animals, including the pork trimmings for Lager (ground) the outer cabbage leafs and carrot were divided up between horses,chickens and bunny.
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