Fifty two outside and sixty two in the bed room, with the summer sheets in place it was COLD!
I got to thinking about fall and winter, and then I thought about these stoves...
are they not beautiful?
Some women love to shop the boutiques and designer shops, they dream of fancy shoes and pricey hand bags. Me I like to walk the gourmet isle at the groceries store. I love to shop Stone Wall kitchen , and read the King Arthur Cataloge like its a romance novel, I can not part with any of my cook books , and we have discussed the menu planning. I would so LOVE to own one of these stoves.
from there web sight
"The Vermont Bun Baker is the newest innovation in the green revolution to take hold for wood heating and cooking at the same time. Whenever your wood stove is fired up, your baking & broiling oven with stove top, is ready to go to work for you. Temperatures are easily regulated. It's fun to use and easy to clean"
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