Introducing Jake - Rescued Slaughter Bound Belgian
Jake is a 12 year old Belgian draft horse. He was an Amish work horse for a number of years, where he was abused and starved.Recently he was sold to a family,(for 300.00).His new family plans to rehabilitate him , and give him what he deserves.He is a beautiful, innocent animal that deserves a second chance at life.They report when they purchased him they found him to be super skinny, covered in old sores from the driving harnesses, he has the typical stance of a horse who has been pulling too heavy loads for too long, and you can see the sadness and pain in his eyes clear as day! I am super thrilled he will be getting a second chance. I am in the process of contacting his new owner to share "my Jake's" story.When My Jake arrived he also HAD sad eyes.Ok not all people are bad, and I am thankful this family is giving him a second chance.The story of the over worked, under loved,Amish owned Belgian is one I am far too familiar with.
1 comment:
I hope you keep us posted on his progress. I can't wait to see him in a year. It's amazing what a little food and a lot of love can do! (ok, maybe a lot of food)
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