As a rule I do not cook on Fridays.On Fridays we usually eat something simple,like pizza and then we watch an early movie and go to bed.
This week we broke the rules.
During the week, the only night we ate together was Tuesday (before dog class)so I wanted to cook a "nice dinner". On Friday Bob had a long commute so there was time to cook,and no time for a movie.
We had Caramelized Onions and Brie Stuffed Chicken. As explained on the blog I found it at www.dinnersforayear.blogspot.com this is a meal that requires many steps.The dinner was not difficult, you just have to focus and put in the time.This morning we did farm chores and then we visited a friend.When we returned to our farm, we spent time "puttering". I did some wash ,hung two loads of clothes on the line,Bob cleaned inside his truck and I did some yard work.The very best part of the day was horse time!We brought the big boys in and groomed them together, then I groomed the Minni's.When the two Minni's were retired to their paddock they were both so very proud, they ran and bucked and strutted their stuff.I saddled Jake for the very first time this year. Bob helped me work Jake in the side paddock.Before dinner we went riding together.Both of the Big Boys were very well behaved.I was a little nervous getting on Jake for the first time this season, being thrown by him makes me cautious. My fears were unfounded he was very well behaved.It was a wonderful day, I love my life and my farm some times it pays to break the rules.
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