OK did I miss something?
Every morning Bob turns the TV on first thing, he likes to hear the local news and weather with his coffee.
Me I could do without the added noise, I am a fan of waking up in quiet.
Either way in our house the news is on every morning and the last few mornings,they have covered the Paper/Plastic Bags vs Bring your own.
Apparently some stores and even some states are considering a usage fee for bags.
Since January, consumers in the U.S. capital have faced a different question: "Will you pay 5 cents for a bag?" DC does charge state wide for bags.
Europeans have long accepted the idea of providing their own baskets, bags or nets to carry their purchases, or paying for bags. But in the United States, where people in large have a feeling of entitlement, being given a free paper or plastic bag to carry purchases is largely taken for granted.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 3,960 thousand tons of plastics waste, including bags, sacks, and wraps was generated in 2008. Of those, barely 1 percent were recycled. I am amused this is news, people you have a choice you do not have to pay .05 cents you can bring your own bags.I bring my bags, I have brought my bags for so long the folks at the store question me on the rare occasion I forget my bags.I am often greeted with growls from the teen age baggers.I have to teach them how to pack my bags,to prevent the dish liquid from going on top of the spinach.I lay everything on the belt in order, cold ,heavy light, breads... I bring my bags so as to not waste all the paper and plastic but also because they are a safer and way to get my groceries in the house. I use my bags at my CSA pick up and farmers market as well.I also find my bags an easier way to sort the groceries and then put them away. I have a nice big insulated bag for cold things. In addition to "reusable bags" I prefer cloth napkins , cloth kitchen towels and cleaning rags. We have draws of cloth dish towels and napkins, I have fancier holiday napkins and towels I pack away in totes for the holidays.One thing on my to do list is: clean my clothes closet. When I get around to cleaning the clothes closet and dresser in our master bed room I plan to sort old T's suitable for cleaning rags and old jeans to make new bags for this seasons farmers markets. I got the jean bag idea at:
check it out.
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