For Today…
Outside my window…Nickel as I walk out the door this morning 5:20am the sun is just rising. Nickel is expressing his desire, he wants to get in the barn and see Jake. He is running around yelling, I can hear Mr. Mr (the rooster)
I am thinking…it is nice without the rain
I am thankful for…everything I have, the blessings of my family and farm
From the kitchen…Left over chowder for lunch,apple crisp for the bake sale and veggie sandwiches tonight for dinner.
I am wearing…Mucking boots, till the second I leave for work,Jeans and 3 shirts (not spring yet)
I am remembering…I need to pick up bread and more veggie seeds
I am going…to get out of work at 3,soak Jake's foot and plant veggie seeds before afternoon chores and dinner.
I am reading…seed catalogues
I am hoping…Jake will heal and have a healthy spring
On my mind…Work for Bob I hope the phone rings soon
Noticing that…I only just woke up and I am tied!
Pondering these words:Always take a good look at what you're about to eat. It's not so important to know what it is, but it's sure crucial to know what it was
Around the house…need to clean and decorate for Easter
One of my favorite things…Belgians
A few plans for the rest of the week…Three more days of early in and early out at work, Farmers market Saturday, going to bring my camera and Lager. Maple Sunday Breakfast,going to stop in and take some photo's not staying . Lots of Cooking Sunday , if farmers market is good.
this format is from : http://notesfromthefrugaltrenches.com/
I liked hers, made me think.
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