This morning at sun rise it was very cold, the thermometer raid sixteen.
The weatherman on the radio kept feeling the need to repeat the fact the wind chill was making it feel like zero.
Those of us who had outside chores were well aware of the wind chill. It was cold enough that the Big Boys were blanketed for the first time this year.

Lager does not seem to mind the cold one bit.
Truth be told some good momentum and a set of nice overalls and you worm up quick.

One of the tricks to maintaining heat in the barn on these cold days , is limiting the number of times you open the overhead door.With some planning I can keep the door opening down to 4.
1. Let the horses out, turning around and shutting the door while holding the lead.
2. Emptying the tractor of manure while delivering food and water to the chickens and pig.
3.Bring the tractor back in loaded with twenty four hours worth of hay. and
4. Bringing the Belgians back in.
It is now sun set twenty one degrees out , and fifty three in the barn ( ten degrees lower than the main house).Soon the Big boys will come in for the night the forth door opening will cause a bit of heat to escape but their body heat will add about ten degrees in the next hour. Not a bad shelter on a cold night,if your a Belgian.
Plus extra hay all around.

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