I have not yet downloaded the photo I most wanted to share from this week end, but here is a peak.

Our schedules are such that we did not stay long, but we did watch two classes of pulls.
This team pictured, is being driven by a boy who is eleven.
I love to see young people interested in drafts.
Meri trailered her horse Chief up, so the horses had company as well.
We let Chief out into the pasture and then we had an old fashion slow cooked dinner in the dinning room. After dinner we did night chores together and put Chief into a stall.
It is such a blessing to have this farm to share with people that get so much joy from it.
Meri has a very stressful job,she told me she slept better on Saturday then she has in months.
Funny what good food and a stress free environment, can do for the sole.
The Banoffee pie came out real yummy, this recipe is a keeper. (Look in last weeks post if you missed it).
On Sunday I cooked Breakfast then Meri and Kevin joined Bob as he worked Nickel,spreading manure grating the road.
Later in the morning Meri Bob and I went trail riding and we had a very nice ride, through the woods.
We came across lots of different terrain woods, tall brush,granite steps, wooden bridges and all three horses did great!
Meri's horse is small enough( 14 hh) to technical be a pony, and some of the weeds we road through we up to his bellie.
Watching Meri on chief is inspiring, practice does make perfect and she has clearly put in her time!
May your stomach never grumble.
May your heart never ache.
May your horse never stumble.
May your cinch never break.
author unknown
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