Being home, on our farm spending time together with our animals, sharing meals and accomplishing what we can is a blessing.

The morning started "late" 6;00 coffee and morning feeding of animals, walks for the dogs, paddock rotation for the horses, shoveling...the regular stuff. Then I got out my new toy,(I bought a Shark steamer last week, more on this later) any way I steam cleaned the inside of my very dirty, from toting Lager around truck.Bob mowed around the trenches and paddock with the bush hog.
I made some farm fresh egg sandwiches for Bob and I and then I cleaned stall doors
Jake lost a shoe on Thursday night so we had Matt out. The plan was to put the shoe back on, Matt decided Jake is once again fit to be bare foot, so he removed the second shoe and trimmed all four hooves, this is good news.

I would say it was a good day!
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