It has been a crazy week with some family stuff , and extra meetings at work most of all it's been cold.
The cold we have experienced this week has been some what debilitating .
Usually our farm runs like a well oiled machine, we have a system and a schedule and it works, for the most part.
However we have had temperatures in the single numbers and teens, Bob and I start and end our day in the dark, as do all who own farms in New England
I have added blankets to the boys, overnight and blankets to the Bloodhounds days, the kitty has not left the barn in three days(can you blame him).For me time spent in the barn at sunset is the best time of day.
The Belgians are always warm to the touch, and their grand presence heats the space. Grooming them at the end of their day before night blankets go on is such a pleasure.You might wonder how our Draft friends stay warm through this harsh weather.They have access to shelter both inside and out if they want it, but they have made their preference clear= outside.Being minis and draft horses gives them the advantage of being able to grow long, thick coats for the winter.Besides wearing a warm coat,and occasionally an extra blanket,
our Belgians have access to lots of hay (average two bales a day),plus grain and cracked corn.
In the winter, their bellies become a furnace of sorts.As long as they have hay to munch,they stay toasty warm, and happy . I bring the Minni's in to keep them safe from predators, although we have seen very few intruders an occasional fox . The deer and owls are welcome guests.I can hardly believe how close Christmas is, I plan to start and finish decorating the barn over the week end.I have done a bit more decorating for the holidays in the house.The company I work for has gifted me a large ham and the fixings for a holiday meal.Traditionally our family eats beef on Christmas day, so I will cook up the ham this week end.With only Bob and I eating a full Ham dinner I have been looking at creative idea's for left overs.
This weeks Menu :
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Kitty in the Tack room |
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I LOVE his old lips |
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And his young lips |
Friday:Home made Chinese Food and Polar Express on DVR
Saturday AM Funnel Cakes (test run for the holiday)
Saturday: Fried Chicken with Milk Gravy
Sunday am Cinnamon Raisin French Toast
Sunday: Baked Ham Dinner with all the fixings Sunday night Maine is expecting a foot of snow.
Monday: Slow Cooked Ham and Broccoli
Tuesday: Corn Chowder in Bread Bowls
Wednesday: Ham and Sun dried Tomatoes Alfredo
Thursday: Stir Fried Beef (we will be tired of Ham by then;)
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