OK This simple Life is not always simple,put I truly think it is a better way of life, and becoming more and more necessary.Today my friend Mark asked if I would like to stop by the food pantry, he runs.He had day old lettuce,and apples he was unable to distribute and wanted to give them to the animals, on my farm.I can not feed lots of produce at this time, but as I add a spring pig, and calf this will be a wonderful resource.Mark and I got talking about the number of families the food pantry feeds each week, the changes in the economy and farmers that re purpose the "waste".Because I have learned so very much in the last three years,studying and thinking about sustainability.I am going to do a couple of posts here about affordable delicious menu choices.A hint the first one will be about hearty, family size meals on a budget, the second will be about turning dinner left overs into dessert...we are talking good food and less waste not sacrifice.I hope you will enjoy and learn from what I share, I have learned a ton on my farm and continue to learn.
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