Today I went to a Yard Sale,at my neighbors house. The house has recently been put up for sale and the family needs to liquidate.Truth be told I had my eye on the house all week. I had heard rummer it was going on the market, because the owner had gone into assisted care.The beginning of the week a dumpster arrived in the drive and then the garage doors opend and tables were set up. The doors were open and shut every day I spotted "stuff on the tables about Wednesday.People were bizzy in and out of the house filling the tables. Then Friday I spotted the Garage Sale sign on the way to the market. I pulled in and took a peek, then they said they were closing, and would be having the "real" Garage Sale starting today at 7am. I arrived at 7am! I started making piles in the drive way of things of interest, I had 15 items. Nothing was priced, so I inquired of the total of my finds. The Garage sale official (the owners daughter) said make me an offer.I had 15.00 to my name so I offered 15.00, and she accepted YAY! I got a pile of measuring cups 4 I had the largest one at home( I never have enough) , two wicker baskets, 2 books one was over 100 yrs old, a huge wool blanket (100% wool) some doilies and dish towels and a nice large sieve. This sieve is needed to make grape jelly and wine.
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