Is your cup 1/2 full or half empty?My cup is full, so is my rain barrels.
I have had 48 hours of blessings. My cup is overflowing!
I purchased "extra " food over the weekend not knowing how many meals we would share.I love to share food! Sunday it rained and rained , the visit with Bobby and Keri came to an end I realized I had shaved steak and ground beef. I cooked the ground beef into a chili, so it would not go to waste.It rained more,there was no cooking out and no need to water. Then I remembered we just had chicken enchiladas, so I cooked shaved steak.Bob and I feasted on chili stuffed potatoes and steak and cheese sandwiches.I have a couple "extra" lunches in the fridge. At work today , I got talking gardens with a friend, he shared he had "extra" tomato plants.I did not have to rush home to water the lawn ( it rained and rained). I made arrangements to pick up the plants after work, in exchange for a truck load of seasoned horse manure.I arrived home with 100 tomato plants, to find Bob had built me a fire pit. I have really , really wanted a fire pit (Bob's not a fan of the smoke).The fire pit is 99% done, Bob has to bring home a saw from his tool trailer to complete some cuts. I do not have room for 100 tomatoes here, but I have friends and room at the new club garden.I have already had a glass of wine by the fire,and I can not wait to toast marshmallows with Ella.I have had a very blessed 48 hours.
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