The change of season , brings a change in eating habits for us.I did a couple posts in the fall and winter,talking about our menu plans and shopping etc. I thought with the change of seasons I would do some more.Summer brings for us a larger selection of fresh, local foods . Additionally we cook on the grill more and use the crock pot less.A confession though, I have been frying more lately than anyone should.Winter, Spring , Summer and Fall the basics for my Menu Planning are the same:
1.Buy whats in season (Fresh and Local is always best)
2.Waste as little as possible
3. Prep ahead when possible
I no longer even try to cook everything from scratch,I have come to terms with the fact I am a semi-homemade person, it's what works with a full time job and a farm.
Monday: Cheese Burgers w,Roasted Red Peppers on Top Salad
Roasted the peppers on Saturday( red peppers on sale 2.99) Lettuce is ready to be picked in the garden
This is a good Monday night dinner because it is quick , relatively easy and not a lot of clean up.It also gives me the chance to cut extra veggies for later in the week.
Tuesday: Crab Meat Toasted Sandwiches
I will mix the crab meat and Mayo Monday night so it is chilled well. When I assemble the sandwiches Tuesday I will add what ever salad fixings ie: lettuce celery that is left over Monday.
Wednesday: Stir Fry Chicken and Rice
Chicken Breast was on sales /purchased a 6 pack cooked 2 Friday with spinach and pasta froze 4.
Thursday: BLT's and Pasta salad (to include chicken and red peppers if any remain)
We still have bacon in the freezer, Boxed Pasta salad was on sale (Bacon and Ranch) 10 for 10$, I bought and will cook 2 boxes and doctor them up with extra"stuff".
Shopping List
80% Ground Beef
Cheese from the Deli
1# Crab Meat
Salad Fixings
Family Pack Chicken Breast
Stir Fry Veggies
Red Peppers for Roasting
Good Sandwich Bread
10 @ 10$ Pasta salad mix
From The Freezer: Bacon
From the Garden Lettuce
From the Pantry: Mayo , Olive Oil , Salad Dressing