Well it is Sunday evening again,the snow is falling in big wet flakes. In Southern Maine we have about 1 inch on the ground. I love Sundays but I hate saying good bye to the week end, and my time at home. It is very trying times for so many people ,I am thankful to have a full time job with a good company but I love being home. Bob is on the sofa watching football and Lager is at his feet.Friday I bought a freezer package from the local butcher, and Bob and I wrapped everything it was nice to fill the freezer.Soon the freezer pig will be ready and we will add him as well. Saturday,was sunny and nice both paddocks got cleaned out. Bob is delivering all the manure to the potato fields over at the club, to be spread in the spring. Lager likes to run alongside the tractor,he is getting very tall and his posture shows his Rottweiler pride.Today Bob and I went to Tractor supply,we bought Lager a bigger choke a new bucket that hangs on the wall for Joey and pig ,chicken and rabbit feed. In the past Joey ate from a grain bucket on the floor but the hens were getting more of his meal then he was.I purchased a "better" laying pellet for the hens. We are getting 2 eggs a day, I would LOVE to get 4. The NEW , better feed was 1.50 more then what I was feeding, but if they produce more eggs it will be worth it.
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