It is really looking and smelling like fall on our farm. My Dad loved Thanksgiving the smells and sights of today remind me of him .Jesse made me a nice bitter sweet wreath with vine she cut while visiting my Mom .Moving from Carver Ma. the cranberry capital who would of thought I would find a cranberry bog 2 miles away. Last night I bought local cranberries from a couple 2 miles from the farm. I made enough apple cranberry sauce for us to serve Thanksgiving, and a jar for Bob and Jesse,as well as one tiny jar for my Mom (no one else in her house is likely to eat it)
If you want to make some Whole Berrie Sauce
You will need
2c Cider / Apple
2#lbs cranberries
2c sugar
wash the berries , clean of stems
boil the canning jars in water 10 min
mix the cider,cranberries and sugar in large non reactive pot. Boil on High till the skins pop then simmer until thick (about 30 min)
Ladle into canning jars 1/4 " from top. Wipe lip of jar clean and boil to preserve 10 min.
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