Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear or a fool from any direction. ~ Cowboy saying
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
October 27th

Waking up early and doing chores affords you fresh air and time. Getting up and out early also rewards you with beautiful sun rises. These photo's were taken in Maine this morning. As I witnessed this sun rise I thought of my Grandpa Slim who would repeat the old saying "red skies at night sailors delight , red skies in the morning sailors take waning" as well as Bobby's tattoo that has a red ski. It is just starting to rain, 13 hours later. I also thought as the sun rose that today, that October 27th was my parents wedding anniversary. When my Dad passed they had been wed 41 years. I hope we are in love 41 plus years, May will be 25 wed. 41 seems far away. The Farmers Almanac said today:October 27thBake, Cut Firewood, Cut Hair to Increase Growth, Mow to Increase Growth, Castrate Farm Animals, Wean, Potty Train, Wax Floors
Monday, October 26, 2009
All work and no play

when you have a baby, you are required to make time for play. On the average day I park my car and do hound patrol, fallowed by Minni's and last but not least paddocks, chicken , pig and Belgians. Today I mixed things up. I did Hounds, Minni's, Play time with Lager ,side paddock,1/2 the big paddock ,kitty, bunny water , chickens. Tonight I finished 1 1/2 paddocks. I sacrificed 1/2 a paddock for play time. The sacrifice was not intentional, however I ran out of day light and energy at 6:40 and came up. The oven is heating for dinner and Lager is at my feet with Blue Monster. When the oven is done I will feed the Belgians ,walk the pups (Elvis still gets a night walk) and feed myself. Play time was worth it! I brought home a cardboard carpet roll, free fun!
Lunch Date

Today I had a special lunch date Lager. Lager is with Dad on most days. Today Lager was in my care . After his help with morning chores, I put him in a stall (Nick's) for safe keeping while I reported to work. When I arrived home for lunch he seemed happy to see me. First a big stretch and a potty walk then a run for the front door and a bowl of kibble,and a game of fetch.When I had to go back to work, I did not have the heart to stall him so I blocked off the isle way in the barn, and gave him more space. When I was back at work I was like a worried Mom,what if ? What if the gate fell, what if someone entered, what if he tangled in a harness...Of course I came home at the end of the day , to a happy farm full of safe animals Thank God.

It must be Monday , because we were up at 4 to walk Lager and start the day.
Once in from potty break puppy gathers all his toys, while Bob and I have our coffee.
Bob was on the road before 5.The hounds were out and eating at 5:15. The barn is clean before sun rise. Lager was a good helper with barn chores, after a roll in the shavings. Nickel has already had his breakfast, and is settling in for his morning siesta. Jake is working as guard horse watching over the pasture while Nick takes a rest. It is a beutiful fall morning on our farm. Yes I like the sound of that, "our farm". I think Lager does as well!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
No sleeping in
Game Night was fun! We put the Big Belgians out at Midnight. They had been in getting a rest from the rain, then we went to bed. We "slept in" until 5:30 then the puppy was ready to be walked and the horses were ready to eat. After we grained the horses and fed and walked the dogs, we were off to Mr. Grays to replenish the hay supply. Bob stacked 41 bales in the truck , he thought he could get more but I was done. I was surprised , they all made the trip home safe and sound. The first time we bought hay from a farmer , Bob fell off the side of the truck. The things you learn over time. He sure can stack hay now. When your Belgians eat 2 bale a day you learn! I did reword Bobs hard work with Breakfast of cinnamon raisin bread french toast and fresh local Maple Syrup. I made a stuffing of the left over from chili, peppers and onions and corn bread. I have coated the chicken with what syrup and cyder we did not finish with breakfast. The goal is to finish morning chores , watch the Pats and eat chicken at the half.
Game Night

We have committed to each other to enjoy a winter in Maine, with our friends and family while being frugal.
Last night we took one of our first steps to that,goal.
We had our first Game Night. Two other couples, join us and we had fun. It was a cold rainy day so I chose to make a chili. We started simple with Yahtzee, we plan to try a few new games as we go along in the season.Every one brought their own beverages, and Charlene brought an awesome dip and chips. It was a nice time we, lit the fire and enjoyed good company and music. I would say it was a success.We plan to try every month.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Visit to the Vet

Today Bob and I took Lager , our new Rottie pup, and Elvis the youngest hounds to the vet.
Both dogs were very well behaved. Elvis was gentle with the pup and polite to all the people. Lager walked on his leash , and sat nice in the waiting room. Both the boys got on the scale,one at a time. Seems like Lager is adjusting well he is just over 20 lbs, that is an average of three pounds per week gain sense his arrival.
Friday, October 23, 2009

1.) Thank and post URL to the blog that gave the award.Thanks to Abbie for nominating Hooves and Hounds
2.) Pass the award along to 6 brilliantly over the top blogs (blogs you love!) Alert them so they know to receive the award.
http://www.roccothebt.blogspot.com/ My daughter and her two Boston Terriers
http://www.yonderwayfarm.blogspot.com/ Jesus-loving family living on a farm in Brenham "hatching one chick at a time",3 girls farm and home idea's
http://www.coldantlerfarm.blogspot/ Vermont start of farm life,dogs
http://simple-green-frugal.blogspot.com/ living local
3.) Copy and paste this quiz… Change the answers, ONE word only!!
1-Where is your cell phone? kitchen
2- Your hair? getting old
3-Your mother? cares
4-Your father? Hero
5-Your favorite food? Lobster
6-Your favorite drink? Wine
7-Your dream last night? Cyote
8-Your dream/goal? Farm
9-What room are you in? Family
10-Your hobby? Drafts
11-Your fear? Fire
12-Where do you want to be in 6 years? Home
13-Where were you last night? here
14-Something that you aren’t? Fake
15-Muffin Pumpkin
16-Wish list item? Wagner Paint eater
17-Where did you grow up?Ma.
18-Last thing you did? dogs
19-What are you wearing? jeans
20-Your TV? Planet Green
21-Your pets? Life
22-Friends? Limited
23- Your life? growing
24-Your mood? sleepy
25-Missing someone? DAD
26-Vehicle? special
27-Something you aren’t wearing? bra
28-Your favorite store? Etsy
29-Favorite color? Green
30-When was the last time you laughed? Lager
31-Last time you cried? Tooth
32-Your best friend? Bob
33-One place you go to over and over? Barn
34-One person who emails you regularly?
35-Favorite place to eat? kennebunkport
http://www.roccothebt.blogspot.com/ My daughter and her two Boston Terriers
http://www.yonderwayfarm.blogspot.com/ Jesus-loving family living on a farm in Brenham "hatching one chick at a time",3 girls farm and home idea's
http://www.coldantlerfarm.blogspot/ Vermont start of farm life,dogs
http://simple-green-frugal.blogspot.com/ living local
3.) Copy and paste this quiz… Change the answers, ONE word only!!
1-Where is your cell phone? kitchen
2- Your hair? getting old
3-Your mother? cares
4-Your father? Hero
5-Your favorite food? Lobster
6-Your favorite drink? Wine
7-Your dream last night? Cyote
8-Your dream/goal? Farm
9-What room are you in? Family
10-Your hobby? Drafts
11-Your fear? Fire
12-Where do you want to be in 6 years? Home
13-Where were you last night? here
14-Something that you aren’t? Fake
15-Muffin Pumpkin
16-Wish list item? Wagner Paint eater
17-Where did you grow up?Ma.
18-Last thing you did? dogs
19-What are you wearing? jeans
20-Your TV? Planet Green
21-Your pets? Life
22-Friends? Limited
23- Your life? growing
24-Your mood? sleepy
25-Missing someone? DAD
26-Vehicle? special
27-Something you aren’t wearing? bra
28-Your favorite store? Etsy
29-Favorite color? Green
30-When was the last time you laughed? Lager
31-Last time you cried? Tooth
32-Your best friend? Bob
33-One place you go to over and over? Barn
34-One person who emails you regularly?
35-Favorite place to eat? kennebunkport
Friday Nights

It has been a long week, today when I left for work it was 31 and just light. The tree's are full of color.I like fall but ,I think I am looking forward to turning the clocks back. I know I am tired and so is Bob,he has a long drive. We are looking forward to being on the farm all week end. Today the Belgians got corn on the cob,I suspect it is the last of the local crop. We have finished up a dinner of shell fish and put everyone in their place. The chickens are cooped and safe.Kitty is in the barn with the Minni's and hounds , the Belgians are in the side paddock with full bellies and a bale of hay and Lager is on the sofa.Life is good on the farm. Tomorrow we host game night.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Fall Ride

It is 7:43 PM and we are just eating dinner,"paying the piper".
When I got home from work Bob and I ,went for an afternoon ride.After our ride we went to feed the Belgians over at Wildroot,the farmers are away. When we were in the barn saddling the drafts Lager had some barn time. We have a play pen on loan from Dexter and Rocco. The ride was worth playing catch up now, the trees are full of color and the horses seemed happy to get out.
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