It is late for us here at Hooves and Hounds. We have been up and moving for 16 3/4 hours. I was not going to post, but it is Nickels Birthday so I know his Birth Farm Mom will be checking ,so here is a couple photo's for Toni at Perry Farm. Nickels 4Th Birthday started at 4 am for Mom and Dad at 5 am for the Team ( and Minni) with breakfast, 6am turn out , stall cleaning fresh shavings. 2pm back into to barn for baked apples and cool down time in front of the stall fans. 4:30 hose down in isle, respray of fly spray, reclean of stalls, 3 more hours out to pasture, then back to barn for dinner plus 1 apple 1 banana and 1 pare each, grooming (Daddy is doing while mom types) and night hay. OK he's slightly pampered.
Happy Birthday too you!! Happy Birthday too you!! Happy Birthday dear NIckellllllll!!!!!! Happyyyy Birrrthdayyyyyy toooooo Yoooooouuuuuu!!!! Love you - Your other mom - Toni
He looks great - give him a huge hug for me!! Miss him and I love the pictures - THANK YOU SO MUCH!! YOU KNEW I WOULD LOOK!!!! THE PICTURES ARE GREAT!!!
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