Friday : Going out
Saturday: Wedge salad with Bacon and Crab Meat
Sunday: Multiple Roast Chickens
Monday: Sweet and Sour Meet Balls Over Rice
Tuesday: Chicken Broccolli Stuffed Shells
Wednesday: The Fair = Fair Food
Thursday: Sausage and spinach Quiche
Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear or a fool from any direction. ~ Cowboy saying
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Football Sunday
Everyone is chilling,on this football Sunday.
It really does not feel like football weather, in fact the Big Boys are inside the barn with their fans on.
The meat loaf is in the oven, I should of made it into grilled burgers.
This morning we put the boys out to pasture while we did chores. By noon it felt more like summer then fall, so the bigs came in. I started to close up some of the raised beds, and Bob washed the vehicles. Now we are chilling watching the Pat's. I am guessing by evening the temps will take a nose dive, I have the fire pit stacked.These photo's are from last week ends trail ride, we needed hoodies, it is New England.
It really does not feel like football weather, in fact the Big Boys are inside the barn with their fans on.
The meat loaf is in the oven, I should of made it into grilled burgers.
This morning we put the boys out to pasture while we did chores. By noon it felt more like summer then fall, so the bigs came in. I started to close up some of the raised beds, and Bob washed the vehicles. Now we are chilling watching the Pat's. I am guessing by evening the temps will take a nose dive, I have the fire pit stacked.These photo's are from last week ends trail ride, we needed hoodies, it is New England.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Movie and a snack
Thinking tonights a good night for hunkering in with a movie and snack
In a small mixing bowl, beat 6 ounces cream cheese, ⅓ cup mayonnaise and ¼ cup Parmesan cheese until blended. Stir in ¾ (10 ounce) package frozen spinach, thawed, chopped, and moisture drained and ¾ cup (3 ounces) mozzarella cheese. Spoon into 5 inch Dutch oven. Heat in 350° oven for approximately 20 minutes. If you are camping and don't have use of a regular oven, place the 5" Dutch oven inside a 12" Deep Dutch oven and place 10 charcoal briquettes on the bottom of the oven and 16 charcoal briquettes on the top of the oven. Bake for approximately 20 minutes. Serve with crackers, toasted variety breads, or baguettes
Thursday, September 22, 2011
This Weeks Menu
Friday : Chicken Florentine Pizza's
Saturday: Fried Haddock and Onion Rings
Sunday: Meat loaf Mashed spuds and gravy
Monday: Chicken Enchilada Soup/ Crock Pot
Tuesday: Western Omelet ccasserole
■1/2 – 2/3 loaf of French or Italian bread
■about 1/8 cup finely diced onion
■1/2 red pepper, chopped
■1/2 green pepper, chopped
■1-2 cups diced ham
■1 cup shredded cheddar
■10 eggs
■2 cups milk
■1 tsp. dry mustard
■salt and pepper, to taste
Butter a 9×13 casserole dish. Tear the bread into pieces and place in the dish. Scatter the peppers, onions, ham and cheese over the top of the bread. Beat the eggs with a whisk. Stir in the milk, dry mustard, salt and pepper. Pour over the other ingredients. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour.
Wednesday: Pepper Steak Sandwiches
Thursday: Crock Pot Turkey Breast
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Change is in the air
As September Draws Nigh
None can resist fall’s impending magical dance of color
its extravagance, spell-bounding beauty
The trees must sleep, after a long hardworking summer
The flowers return to seed, rejoining the earth birthing them
And the birds draw straws, seeing who will stay
and who will flock and head southward
Well here it is, the end of summer 2011.
Tomorrow is the last day of summer, and change is in the air.
Last Saterday Bob and I visited both our children, at their homes in Massachusettes.It was lots of fun visiting with them and their partners,but it made me miss them more.Both homes were beutifuly decorated for fall with mums and corn stocks, I have not yet managed that on the farm. on Sunday I started decorating the house inside in the morning.In the afternoon Sunday Bob and I went trail riding and both of the horses were more interested in sampling leafs, than really listening.
Every night this week I have enjoyed a fire outside in the pit as we finish evening chores.
Bob has been working with Nickel each night on the long line, he is doing a refresher on ground manners.
Nickel is really a very good boy ( I know all Moms say that) it's just because we don't ride often enough a refresher helps.
Over just the past three nights you can see Nickel becoming more and more attentive and responsive to Bobs commands.
It often amaises me how much animals are like humans (especialy children) it is visible when you commit and put in your time.As much as we enjoy being with the horses, taking time to realy do so (above and beond chores) takes commitment.
The days have begun to get shorter, we start each day in the dark. The mornings have been very cool with lots of dew on the ground. The Belgians are full of spunk in the morning "talking" and doing the "two step "
when we start serving breakfast.
I have not been blogging the past few days becouse it seems by the time we sit together for dinner we are ready to call it quits for the night.
Bob has been making the transition from being the hands on contractor/ builder to more of a builder/ management role and his work has made for long days and much travel another change.
Although I usally do not like change, I am enjoying watching Bob metamorphous!
He has worked very hard very long, and his knowledge and skills will shine here, and hell we are getting too old to use our back more than our brain.
Jake is loosing his summer coat aka. shark skin and developing his winter. Nickel has not yet begun the change, as far as I can see.
The squerals are every where gathering their nuts, and the bird feeders are full.
We have started closing the gardens of summer crops and cleaning up the lawns and shrubs to prepare for fall and then winter. If you follow the Thursday Menu's you have begun to see the seasonal changes we make their, last night we had the Lasagna roll ups.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
Like They Serve at Olive Garden
Zuppa Toscana
Makes: 6-8 servings
•1 lb ground Italian sausage
•1½ tsp crushed red peppers
•1 large diced white onion
•4 Tbsp bacon pieces
•2 tsp garlic puree
•10 cups water
•5 cubes of chicken bouillon
•1 cup heavy cream
•1 lb sliced Russet potatoes, or about 3 large potatoes
•¼ of a bunch of kale
1.Sauté Italian sausage and crushed red pepper in a large pot. Drain excess fat, refrigerate while you prepare other ingredients.
2.In the same pan, sauté bacon, onions and garlic over low-medium heat for approximately 15 mins. or until the onions are soft.
3.Add chicken bouillon and water to the pot and heat until it starts to boil.
4.Add the sliced potatoes and cook until soft, about half an hour.
5.Add the heavy cream and just cook until thoroughly heated.
6.Stir in the sausage and the kale, let all heat through and serve. Delicious!
Makes: 6-8 servings
•1 lb ground Italian sausage
•1½ tsp crushed red peppers
•1 large diced white onion
•4 Tbsp bacon pieces
•2 tsp garlic puree
•10 cups water
•5 cubes of chicken bouillon
•1 cup heavy cream
•1 lb sliced Russet potatoes, or about 3 large potatoes
•¼ of a bunch of kale
1.Sauté Italian sausage and crushed red pepper in a large pot. Drain excess fat, refrigerate while you prepare other ingredients.
2.In the same pan, sauté bacon, onions and garlic over low-medium heat for approximately 15 mins. or until the onions are soft.
3.Add chicken bouillon and water to the pot and heat until it starts to boil.
4.Add the sliced potatoes and cook until soft, about half an hour.
5.Add the heavy cream and just cook until thoroughly heated.
6.Stir in the sausage and the kale, let all heat through and serve. Delicious!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
This Wees Menu Week Sept16th
Friday: Home Made Calzone
Saturday: Dry Rubbed Lundon Broil and roasted herb potatoes
Sunday: Home made Mac and Cheese with Lobster
Monday: Taco Salads
Tuesday: Lasagna Roll Ups
Wednesday: Dump and Run Chicken
Thursday: Beef Bourguignon crock pot
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Christmas Shopping
We are still officially in summer, we are enjoying beautiful weather on the farm this week.
On Friday however it is supposed to be 60 aka. Belgian weather.
I have taken out my fall/ harvest decorations and stacked them on them on the floor in the quest room. I plan to decorate for fall the week of I Sept. 23, start of Autumn. I have planned a "fall cook out" of chowder on the fire for Sept. 24th, I just need to send the invites out.
That being said I am officially thinking Christmas... This week end I plan to start my Christmas "shopping".
I like to make a large portion of my gifts but given that i am NOT a crafter this usually means food.
I am thinking the recipients of my gifts, may be getting tired of my jar's of salsa and Piccadilly so I am testing some new "stuff".
"That's what it's all about, isn't it? That's what it's always been *about*. Gifts, gifts... gifts, gifts, gifts, gifts, gifts. You wanna know what happens to your gifts? They all come to me. In your garbage. You see what I'm saying? In your *garbage*. "
The Grinch
What I will be shopping for is great jars that can hold, and store salts and rubs. I will be testing new salts and rubs on the upcoming menu's, starting next week with this one:
Dry Rubbed London Broil
Dave Lieberman / Food Network
1 (2-pound) London broil
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 recipe Dave's Rub, recipe follows
Rub London broil with olive oil and then coat generously with the dry rub. Let stand for about 15 minutes at room temperature.
Preheat a grill pan over medium-high heat.
Place meat on grill and grill for about 5 minutes on each side for medium-rare. Remove from heat and let rest for 5 to 10 minutes before slicing on the bias.
Dave's Rub:
2 tablespoons chili powder
1 tablespoon dried oregano
1 tablespoon sweet paprika
2 teaspoons garlic powder
4 pinches salt
15 grinds black pepper
Mix all ingredients together thoroughly in a small bowl.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Apple Season
Last Sunday was the official "Maine Apple Sunday", September 11.
We decided after being on the road half of Saturday , we wanted to stay home Sunday.
We will go soon, in the mean time I purchased a bag from the local farm stand to make dumplings.
I was considering seeking out a new location,but will probably stick with the one we went to in the past.
Bracketts Orchard / I took all these photo's there.
Lots of folks at work go to Giles Family Farm , I have not been.
Address139 Waterboro Road, Alfred, Me, 04002CountyYork CountyTelephone207-324-2944
Apple Dumplings
2 whole Granny Smith apples
2 cans (8 ounces each) crescent rolls
2 sticks butter
1 1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 can (12 ounce) Sprite soda
Cinnamon, to taste
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a 9 x 13-inch pan with nonstick cooking spray.
Peel and core apples. Cut each apple into 8 slices. Roll each apple in a triangle of crescent roll dough. Place in prepared pan.
Melt butter, then add sugar and barely stir. Add vanilla, stir, and pour entire mixture over apples. Pour 1/2 can Sprite around the edges of the pan. Sprinkle with cinnamon; bake for 40 minutes. Serve with ice cream, if desired
Pour the Sprite carefully around the edge of the pan so the sugar/butter mixture stays on top of the apples.
You also can use Mountain Dew/ this makes the syrup.
Bake in preheated oven for 40 minutes.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Lets Catch Up
This week end just flew past. On Friday we went to Cabela's in Scarborough Maine, to pick up a sleeping bag and pack my son purchased on line.
We ran in picked up the package and ran out, we know better to look around, we always find something we want at Cabela's.
After Cabelas "the plan" was to go to Buffalo Wild Wings, we drove around lost with two GPS's, then we headed for home. This was a bummer, I had wanted to check this place out for months.
Hunger set in so we stopped at Longhorns, in desperation. The food at Longhorns was overpriced, mediocre and the service was horrible.
I figure if this trend keeps up Bob will never go out to eat with me.
Saturday we headed to New Hampshire, to do an errand for Bob's work
While in New Hampshire we happend upon a Dover Saddlery, so we stopped in.
Looking around Dover Saddlery was a joy, the building is beutifal. All I purchased was a 5$ set of riding gloves, green and horse treat but it was fun. The folks at Dover Saddle were very nice, the even welcomed Lager in.
Once his errand was done we traveled the back roads home and got to look at some nice old streets, farms and a covered bridge, we did not have time to stop.
After loosing half a day to travel on Saturday I spent all day doing house and farm chores, lots of laundry some cooking...
Bob also did chores and lots of office work, but he did make a point to stop in the afternoon to work the Big Boys as a Team.
Bob hooked the drag harrow to the fore cart and the boys made four passes up and down the road.
After road work the boys went out to pasture to cool of and graze.
When writing the Menu I had planned Thanksgiving sandwiches ,I changed this to Turkey burgers with cranberry sauce on top and a side of stuffing. Usually I make the sandwiches with Turkey cutlets, however ground turkey was buy on get one free.
Dragon's Breath Chili
Recipe courtesy Guy Fieri, May 2008
Show: Guy's Big Bite
The Chili I made yesterday we enjoyed tonight, it stewed all day in the crock pot.
2 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons bacon grease, or canola oil
2 red bell peppers, diced (about 2 cups)
2 jalapenos, minced (about 2 tablespoons)
3 Anaheim chiles, roasted, peeled, chopped
3 poblano chiles, roasted, peeled, chopped
2 yellow onions, diced (about 2 cups)
1 head garlic, minced (about 1/4 cup)
1 pound boneless chuck, trimmed and cut into 1/4-inch cubes
2 pounds ground beef, coarse grind
1 pound bulk Italian sausage
2 teaspoons granulated onion
2 teaspoons granulated garlic
3 tablespoons chili powder
2 teaspoons hot paprika
2 teaspoons ground cumin
2 teaspoons ground coriander
2 teaspoons cayenne pepper
2 teaspoons kosher salt
2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper
2 cups tomato sauce
1 cup tomato paste
12 ounces lager beer
1 cup chicken stock
2 (15.5-ounce) cans pinto beans, with juice
2 (15.5-ounce) cans kidney beans, with juice
1 bunch green onions, thinly sliced
1 cup shredded Cheddar
In large stock pot over high heat, add butter and bacon grease. Add bell pepper, jalapeno, chiles and onion and cook until caramelized, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and saute a minute longer. Add chuck and brown. Add ground beef and sausage to brown and stir gently, trying not to break up the ground beef too much. Cook until meat is nicely browned and cooked through, about 7 to10 minutes. Add in granulated onions, granulated garlic, chili powder, paprika, cumin, coriander, cayenne, salt and pepper and cook for 1 minute. Add in tomato sauce and paste and stir for 2 minutes. Stir in beer and chicken stock. Add beans, lower heat and simmer for 2 hours.
I added corn from two ear...
I served in Bread Bowls
All the fresh peppers used in our Chili were from this years garden.
We ran in picked up the package and ran out, we know better to look around, we always find something we want at Cabela's.
After Cabelas "the plan" was to go to Buffalo Wild Wings, we drove around lost with two GPS's, then we headed for home. This was a bummer, I had wanted to check this place out for months.
Hunger set in so we stopped at Longhorns, in desperation. The food at Longhorns was overpriced, mediocre and the service was horrible.
I figure if this trend keeps up Bob will never go out to eat with me.
Saturday we headed to New Hampshire, to do an errand for Bob's work
While in New Hampshire we happend upon a Dover Saddlery, so we stopped in.
Looking around Dover Saddlery was a joy, the building is beutifal. All I purchased was a 5$ set of riding gloves, green and horse treat but it was fun. The folks at Dover Saddle were very nice, the even welcomed Lager in.
Once his errand was done we traveled the back roads home and got to look at some nice old streets, farms and a covered bridge, we did not have time to stop.
After loosing half a day to travel on Saturday I spent all day doing house and farm chores, lots of laundry some cooking...
Bob also did chores and lots of office work, but he did make a point to stop in the afternoon to work the Big Boys as a Team.
Bob hooked the drag harrow to the fore cart and the boys made four passes up and down the road.
After road work the boys went out to pasture to cool of and graze.
When writing the Menu I had planned Thanksgiving sandwiches ,I changed this to Turkey burgers with cranberry sauce on top and a side of stuffing. Usually I make the sandwiches with Turkey cutlets, however ground turkey was buy on get one free.
Dragon's Breath Chili
Recipe courtesy Guy Fieri, May 2008
Show: Guy's Big Bite
The Chili I made yesterday we enjoyed tonight, it stewed all day in the crock pot.
2 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons bacon grease, or canola oil
2 red bell peppers, diced (about 2 cups)
2 jalapenos, minced (about 2 tablespoons)
3 Anaheim chiles, roasted, peeled, chopped
3 poblano chiles, roasted, peeled, chopped
2 yellow onions, diced (about 2 cups)
1 head garlic, minced (about 1/4 cup)
1 pound boneless chuck, trimmed and cut into 1/4-inch cubes
2 pounds ground beef, coarse grind
1 pound bulk Italian sausage
2 teaspoons granulated onion
2 teaspoons granulated garlic
3 tablespoons chili powder
2 teaspoons hot paprika
2 teaspoons ground cumin
2 teaspoons ground coriander
2 teaspoons cayenne pepper
2 teaspoons kosher salt
2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper
2 cups tomato sauce
1 cup tomato paste
12 ounces lager beer
1 cup chicken stock
2 (15.5-ounce) cans pinto beans, with juice
2 (15.5-ounce) cans kidney beans, with juice
1 bunch green onions, thinly sliced
1 cup shredded Cheddar
In large stock pot over high heat, add butter and bacon grease. Add bell pepper, jalapeno, chiles and onion and cook until caramelized, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and saute a minute longer. Add chuck and brown. Add ground beef and sausage to brown and stir gently, trying not to break up the ground beef too much. Cook until meat is nicely browned and cooked through, about 7 to10 minutes. Add in granulated onions, granulated garlic, chili powder, paprika, cumin, coriander, cayenne, salt and pepper and cook for 1 minute. Add in tomato sauce and paste and stir for 2 minutes. Stir in beer and chicken stock. Add beans, lower heat and simmer for 2 hours.
I added corn from two ear...
I served in Bread Bowls
All the fresh peppers used in our Chili were from this years garden.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
This Weeks Menu And A Product Review
First I must apologize, I have been taking photo's but have been unable to post.
For the last few days, I write my blog then when its time to attach the photo's no luck. I don't know if it is the computer or the Internet or what but I try to attach and the computer runs and runs and says loading but no luck. Ill keep trying
Any how in the mean time I want to show you two products I like.
First last night when I stripped the corn cobs for chowder I used my corn zipper, purchased at Stone Wall Kitchen. They actually call it Palm Corn Zipper, it was only 5.95 and it worked Awesome. This little tool peals the corn of the cob , just like a zipper. In the past I would shoot corn all over the kitchen , this keeps it in the bowl.
Second is a pan I got for Christmas a couple years ago, I use this at least once a week.
For the last few days, I write my blog then when its time to attach the photo's no luck. I don't know if it is the computer or the Internet or what but I try to attach and the computer runs and runs and says loading but no luck. Ill keep trying
Any how in the mean time I want to show you two products I like.

Second is a pan I got for Christmas a couple years ago, I use this at least once a week.
This pan was just under forty dollars from King Arthur Flour. It is Non stick, includes a perfect fit cover and Made in the USA!
It is perfect for loaf bread (sandwich bread) from scratch or it will hold three boxes of Jiffy Mix with addition of fresh fruit.
I bake bread and store it in this pan.
The Menu
Friday: Anti Pasta Platter
Saturday: Thanksgiving Sandwiches
Sunday: Grilled Salmon
and will make the Chilli
Monday: Chili in a Bread Bowl
Tuesday: Spinach Salad with Crab Meat and Stuffed Quahogs
Wednesday:Chicken in the Crock Pot
Thursday: Beef Fajita, again in the Crock Pot
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
The Heat of the Oven
“Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass…
it’s about learning how to dance in the rain!” –Vivian Greene
It is a cold raw day in Maine today, I finished farm chores with a chill. I got the back of my neck wet shoveling manure,and could not shake the chill after that.
Once in the house, I shut some windows, lit a couple candles, and popped a corn bread in the oven . I always prefer to turn on the oven rather than the heat.
On the Menu for dinner was, french bread pizza's I added a quick homemade chowder.
Nothing warms from the inside,like a steaming bowl of Clam Chowder!
New England Clam Chowder Recipe - EASY!
2-3 small cans of minced clams (this is a pantry staple)
1 cup finely chopped celery
1 cup finely chopped onions
2 cups chopped potatoes (garden fresh, no need to peal)
Corn from 2 ear or a small can
Drain the juices from the clams into a big pot and add just enough liquid to barely cover all vegetable. The liquid can be all water, I added 3 jars clam juice.(reserve clams) Cover and simmer for approximately 10 minutes, or until vegetables are tender.
While your vegetables are simmering, you will make a white sauce...
Basic White Sauce 3/4 cup margarine or butter
3/4 cup flour 1/2 tsp. sugar (optional)
1quart half and half
1-1/2 tsp salt pepper to taste (If you are fussy, you can use white pepper)
Melt butter in sauce pan. Whisk in the flour.... and then add all of the half and half. You will continually stir this at a medium heat, until it thickens. (Please be patient with your white sauce, and don't turn the heat up, too high.)
Add the White Sauce to the cooked vegetables - add clams and stir to eat!
PS. Non horse people wont understand this, but can I just say even wet a Belgian is a Great Hugger!
it’s about learning how to dance in the rain!” –Vivian Greene
It is a cold raw day in Maine today, I finished farm chores with a chill. I got the back of my neck wet shoveling manure,and could not shake the chill after that.
Once in the house, I shut some windows, lit a couple candles, and popped a corn bread in the oven . I always prefer to turn on the oven rather than the heat.
On the Menu for dinner was, french bread pizza's I added a quick homemade chowder.
Nothing warms from the inside,like a steaming bowl of Clam Chowder!
New England Clam Chowder Recipe - EASY!
2-3 small cans of minced clams (this is a pantry staple)
1 cup finely chopped celery
1 cup finely chopped onions
2 cups chopped potatoes (garden fresh, no need to peal)
Corn from 2 ear or a small can
Drain the juices from the clams into a big pot and add just enough liquid to barely cover all vegetable. The liquid can be all water, I added 3 jars clam juice.(reserve clams) Cover and simmer for approximately 10 minutes, or until vegetables are tender.
While your vegetables are simmering, you will make a white sauce...
Basic White Sauce 3/4 cup margarine or butter
3/4 cup flour 1/2 tsp. sugar (optional)
1quart half and half
1-1/2 tsp salt pepper to taste (If you are fussy, you can use white pepper)
Melt butter in sauce pan. Whisk in the flour.... and then add all of the half and half. You will continually stir this at a medium heat, until it thickens. (Please be patient with your white sauce, and don't turn the heat up, too high.)
Add the White Sauce to the cooked vegetables - add clams and stir to eat!
PS. Non horse people wont understand this, but can I just say even wet a Belgian is a Great Hugger!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Labor Day
"Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely."
- Rodin
Well Labor Day has officially come and gone, and soon Fall will be here. We are still enjoying an abundance of fresh tomatoes and eggs.
The night temperatures have really changed this week, and the morning darkness is longer.
A couple of trees in the yard have already begun to change color.
Over the week end Bob re covered the hoop house, damaged in the storm. Both of the Draft Horses got bathed, perhaps the last bath of the season.
This week I will plant cool crops of lettuce and Kale in the house.
I say good bye to summer with bitter sweet feelings, the last few years have been a real struggle.
Facing the past few winters have been frightening.
Facing the past few winters have been frightening.
With the very harsh change in the economy, and Bob being self employed we have had much uncertainty. The business phone, did not ring often and when it did it took Bob away from the farm for days, having to travel for what work came in.
We have stood strong together, both working towards the common goal of this farms success.
Like many family's,we have held onto this farm with much sacrifice,hope and prayer.
We have learned allot about what we really need and want, and what we can live without.
Finally things are looking up, Bob has steady work and I look forward to this change of seasons with gratitude, a bit of relief and the Joy of answered prayer.
I am looking forward to decorating for Fall, enjoying lots of cool nights by the fire and home cooked comfort food. For now we enjoy a fresh salad and tomato tarts,
blessing on the meal
Tomato Tart
blessing on the meal
Tomato Tart
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Must Read
I'm really not one to preach, however you must read this blog.
I found this woman's story on the direction of Russ (see side bar) and wow her strength blew me away!
I found this woman's story on the direction of Russ (see side bar) and wow her strength blew me away!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
This Weeks Menu
Friday: Taking a friend on the mend out to eat...Mexican if they are up to it if not it will be Burgers
Saturday: BBQ Ribs and Sweet Potato Fries
Sunday: Chicken and Broccoli stuffed shells with Alfredo
Monday: Crock Pot Roast Beef
Tuesday: Tomato Quiche and Salad
Wednesday: Open Face Piza Bread
Thursday: Cob Salad with chicken / Slow cooked in Crock Pot and picked
Strange Bed Fellows
So about a month ago I was at Tractor Supply, and they were having a chicken swap. I purchased two ten week old Light Bantam Hens. The seller of the hens instructed me to put them in the Hen house alone for a day and then at night fall introduce the hens, being sure to provide a milk crate for them to seek shelter under if need be. I kept the little hens separated from the aged hens with a dog crate for a couple days, then I introduced them. I checked day after day and they seemed to be getting along fine. On day five when it was time to shut the hen house, I found one of the little hens dead. After closer inspection it seemed as though, one of the hens cornered her and hen pecked her to death.On day six, I noticed the second hen had some plucked feathers as well. I cleaned the remaining little hen, then I took her into the hoop house to heal. The heat in the hoop house was perfect, and in less then a week, she was healed. I got to thinking the little hen was lonely, so I moved her into the empty area near Joeys stall. I don't think the little hen is lonely now.When the Minni's are in the barn the hen has taken to, riding on them, and resting on them. When the Minni's are out to pasture she roams the stalls. Yesterday when I went in the barn to check on her I could not find her at first, she was in the feed bucket.
Miniature horses and hens go figure.
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